Posts tagged perseverance
The Agency in Our Attitude ~ Keep the Blue Side Up!

I grew up in and surrounded by airplanes. After 9/11, I developed a sudden fear of flying. My father was a naval aviator, turned commercial airline pilot, and I would call him before boarding any flight. He would talk me through the technicalities and statistics to support the probability of my survival. He would end each call with the sound advice common among aviators: “Keep the blue side up!” The instruction is encouraging and simple: when in doubt, keep yourself upright. It’s an expression of encouragement and trust. 

The “blue side” refers to an instrument in the cockpit called the “attitude indicator,” which helps the pilot to orient to the horizon and the blue sky above it. The aeronautical term “attitude” doesn’t refer to whether the pilot is in a good or bad mood, but rather as a way to determine how to proceed with confidence. Weather conditions change and storms are inevitable. Life, like hurtling through the air in a metal can, can get bumpy. Turbulence wakes us up and reminds us to pay attention. We encounter gloomy moods and gloomy skies. We get disoriented. By “keeping the blue side up,” we have a general point of reference, an “attitude” that supports us, as we navigate through our journey.

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The Olympics of Relationships

Navigating relationships should be its own Olympic sport! It requires endurance, practice, perseverance and commitment, not to mention to ability to skillfully overcome hurdles. We bring our own values, beliefs, aspirations and expectations, and we speak our own respective “love languages.” Finding ways to interconnect and interact with one another is not always smooth, easy or straight forward. Exploring five basic categories of romantic partnerships (independence, mutuality, interdependence, dependence, and co-dependence), we are reminded that relationship dynamics fluctuate. Sometimes we need more closeness. Sometimes we need more space. Experiment and discover what feels right for you in your relationship... it's an ever-evolving process.

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The Power of a Broken Heart

It may seem unusual to write an article about heartbreak in honor of Valentine’s Day, but somehow it feels fitting considering the experience of the last year. The impact of chronic stress, self-neglect (poor diet, sedentary lifestyle), and lack of social connection (supportive relationships) all contribute to poor cardiovascular health. As much as we may be susceptible to heartbreak or heart disease, we are also full of potential for heart fortifying and heart healing. We can support the heart, not only through improved lifestyle choices, but also in recognizing and honoring the profound power it holds. Discover three simple ways to connect to the heart and why it’s important…

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Intestinal Fortitude ~ Tapping Into Our Inner Strength

What does it mean to have “intestinal fortitude?” Neuroscientists and psychologists are recognizing the importance of gut health due to the connection between our physiology and our psychology, i.e. the gut-brain connection. From a physiological perspective it’s clear why we would want a healthy and robust gut, but how does this translate in psychological terms? When we feel strong at our core, we are in turn more connected, embodied, and fortified from the inside out. We may identify strengths such as grit, perseverance, empowerment, courage, etc. Once we access these qualities, we realize that they are generated and held, not outside of ourselves, but within our own skin, our mind and psyche.

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It's a Marathon: Cultivating Emotional Endurance

The era of corona—this is turning out to be a marathon, not a sprint. Five months into this pandemic, and we don’t seem to be any closer to the end than we were when this all began. Rates of the virus are fluctuating, businesses are opening and closing again, unemployment is running out, press conference announcements continue to be confusing and conflicting, and events and plans are postponed indefinitely. We do not yet see the light at the end of the tunnel, but there are ways we can learn to increase our emotional capacity and stamina to stay the course.

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The Power is in Our Response

The Corona virus and its far reaching implications have had an impact on each of us. Our routines have been rocked, and we have had to modify our lives in the face of unexpected changes as schools, restaurants, events, gyms, and places of work shut down. These disruptions can be disconcerting, especially considering we still don’t yet understand the severity or how long this will last. However, within this challenge, as we navigate the unknown, we also encounter an opportunity. An opportunity to deliberately choose how we respond. An opportunity to emerge from this moment more united and resilient. In our response, we discover our power.

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10 Ways to Realize Our Resilience

I can’t think of a better time to write about resilience than when I’m trying to rediscover it for myself. I’m realizing this must be a lifelong process. What allows us to be resilient in one situation, doesn't necessarily transfer to another situation at a different point in time. I continue to be reminded of this frustrating predicament, as I try to assure myself this is a fresh opportunity to grow, refine, and enhance my resiliency skills…

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Empowerment: Inside Out

Empowerment is a strong theme right now across the country. What does it mean and why is it so important? The prefix “em-“ is often used as a way to intensify the meaning of something. It indicates causing something to become, or happen to, itself. For example, if we are embodied, we are in our bodies, more aware of the sensations and experiences of our body…

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