Posts tagged growth mindset
New Year Prospecting

It’s a New Year! Rather than attempting to make resolutions about what you will or won’t do, consider prospecting for something more significant and sustaining. Be someone who seeks out opportunity, explores possibilities, and gains perspective in your approach. 

Step-by-step, this article will guide you through a valuable process of reflecting on the previous year, exploring your aspirations for the new year, and setting your intentions with specific action steps. Don’t rush this process. Take all month if you have to! The discoveries you’ll make along the way will be well worth your time, energy, and efforts.

Non spirat qui non aspirat.

(S/he who doesn’t aspire doesn’t breathe.)

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Finding Your Treasure During the Ebb Tide

The still and stagnant moments in our life feel scarier than the crises and chaos. Maybe it’s situational, seasonal, economic, or cosmic (some planet must be in retrograde somewhere!), but whatever it is, the phone stops ringing. The vibrant social momentum we once enjoyed seems muted and still. Our health goals, income, or relationship situation can suddenly plateau for no apparent reason. 

The term “flow” has become a familiar concept in the world of pop psychology, and is associated with heightened productivity, focus, timelessness, and creativity. The flow of the ocean offers a sense of energy, life, and motion, but when we are so preoccupied with catching the wave, we neglect the more subtle beauty of the ocean’s ebb. The ebb tide reveals something rich, interesting, and alive if we have the courage to explore it. The silence, stillness, and emptiness may provide unexpected benefits. Discover how what seems like nothingness might actually be full of possibility.

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Life as an Experimental QUEST

I am a recovering pendulum swinger. Extreme behaviors, on both ends of the continuum, have punctuated my life. All or nothing has often been the name of my game. This approach can feel unsustainable and counterproductive at times, and has challenged me to explore more effective ways to approach life.

Rather than taking an absolute attitude toward goal setting, what if we viewed our aspirations as a quest for discovery and understanding? Using the acronym Q.U.E.S.T. invokes a more more playful and experimental perspective. When we bring a sense of childlike curiosity and openness to our endeavors, there is less pressure and more space to enjoy our exploration without fear or expectation. An experimenter is willing to try something new, take chances, and reroute or improvise when necessary. This approach encourages us to observe and influence change, rather than forcing it.

Will you accept this invitation to to experiment, to play, and to get curious about creating potential and possibility in your life?

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An Abundance Mindset: 4 Ways to Shift Out of Scarcity Thinking

Scarcity is synonymous with inadequacy, deficiency, lack or dearth. Many of us experience scarcity when we operate from a place of not-enoughness. Concepts that characterize this not-enoughness (e.g. scarcity mindset, inferiority complex, imposter syndrome, etc.) have become common vernacular. Scarcity mindset implies a tightening, grasping, fearful and defensive stance. Just as we can get caught in a cycle of threat, shutting down, immobilization and fear, we can also embark on a self-perpetuating journey of choice, openness, flow and enoughness. Approaching our circumstances, decisions, and relationships from a mindset of abundance rather than scarcity, allows us to relax, open-up, and trust that whatever is, is enough.

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Rooted in Self-Trust

We typically associate the concept of trust in relation to other people—how credible, believable or reliable we find someone to be. However, we often struggle to develop that same trust, confidence, and belief in ourselves. We can grow self-trust by deepening the roots of understanding of who we are, strengthening our trunk (or core) by honestly accepting, forgiving and being present for ourselves, and extending branches of ourself that respond to life’s challenges with flexibility and perspective. It is a process. Yet, cultivating this kind of deep inner trust is enduring, irreplaceable, and self-perpetuating.

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