New Year Prospecting
The pioneers did it in search of new lands to settle. The miners, in pursuit of gold. Today’s business corporations do it to scope out new markets. It’s also common in the world of politics, sports, and real estate.
The word prospect comes from the latin term prospicere which literally translates to look forward.
As we begin a new year, rather than attempting to make resolutions about what you will or won’t do, consider prospecting for something more significant and sustaining. Consider the various areas of your life:
* health/fitness
* relationships
* creative
* professional
* financial
* experiential/recreational
A prospector seeks out opportunity, explores possibilities, gains perspective. Don’t rush this process. Take all month if you have to! The discoveries you’ll make along the way will be well worth your time, energy, and efforts.
Review & Revise
1) Review the previous year—What are your takeaways from last year?
Reference your camera roll or calendar as a reminder of accomplishments, successes, experiences, projects completed, milestones along the course of your journey, lessons and learnings.
2) Revise what’s outdated—What no longer fits your current frame of mind or life pursuits?
Take some time to re-evaluate past goals, intentions, or expectations. What’s still important to you? Is there anything that might be holding you back from a different opportunity? Give yourself permission to cross-off or set aside what no longer resonates or feels like a priority
“We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” ~Joseph Campbell
Mission & Vision
Zoom out to see the big picture of your hopes and dreams for the New Year.
What are you moving toward? Better fitness, financial freedom, meaningful relationships, travel, etc.
Find the themes, ideas, or words that stand out to you.
Jot down your values (these may change over time). What matters most to you today?
Write a personal mission statement (your WHY) based on your values and purpose.
Identify a word that will define the coming year for you.
Goals & Aspirations
Zoom in to focus. Home in on your desired outcome and specific action steps.
Describe/conceptualize your word of the year. What does it mean to you? When you say the word, how does it feel in your body?
Visualize your ideal life in as much detail as possible. What is your daily schedule? Where do you live, work, travel on holiday? Who (if anyone) is with you? How do you look? What do you wear, eat, do for fun on weekends?
Use imagery to clarify your intentions. Sketch, paint, make a vision board.
Define your goals and how they connect to your values.
Break down goals into simple and manageable objectives. Start small and slow. Significant growth and lasting change begin with small steps.
Write down your goals in clear, specific, and positive language using present tense. (eg. “I dedicate 20 minutes each day to moving my body. I save $75 per week toward a trip to Thailand in December. I register for a professional development class for the fall semester.”