Posts tagged goal setting
New Year Prospecting

It’s a New Year! Rather than attempting to make resolutions about what you will or won’t do, consider prospecting for something more significant and sustaining. Be someone who seeks out opportunity, explores possibilities, and gains perspective in your approach. 

Step-by-step, this article will guide you through a valuable process of reflecting on the previous year, exploring your aspirations for the new year, and setting your intentions with specific action steps. Don’t rush this process. Take all month if you have to! The discoveries you’ll make along the way will be well worth your time, energy, and efforts.

Non spirat qui non aspirat.

(S/he who doesn’t aspire doesn’t breathe.)

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Life as an Experimental QUEST

I am a recovering pendulum swinger. Extreme behaviors, on both ends of the continuum, have punctuated my life. All or nothing has often been the name of my game. This approach can feel unsustainable and counterproductive at times, and has challenged me to explore more effective ways to approach life.

Rather than taking an absolute attitude toward goal setting, what if we viewed our aspirations as a quest for discovery and understanding? Using the acronym Q.U.E.S.T. invokes a more more playful and experimental perspective. When we bring a sense of childlike curiosity and openness to our endeavors, there is less pressure and more space to enjoy our exploration without fear or expectation. An experimenter is willing to try something new, take chances, and reroute or improvise when necessary. This approach encourages us to observe and influence change, rather than forcing it.

Will you accept this invitation to to experiment, to play, and to get curious about creating potential and possibility in your life?

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