Posts tagged adventure
Feeling Lost? How to Find Our Way

Years ago, before GPS was automatically connected to our everyday, handheld devices, I found myself (more than once!) lost in a foreign city, wandering aimlessly. What happens when we feel lost in our lives, doubt in ourselves, or stuck in a holding pattern? Most of us will encounter unexpected life surprises: health issues, job changes, pregnancies, family demands, etc. Life does not come with GPS, or a roadmap, or simple, easy-to-read directions. We have to navigate our way through trial and error. Here are four effective strategies to find our way when we are lost and make valuable self-discoveries in the process…

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The Cave of Self-Discovery

Life has been shaken up all around us, and we have been navigating a flurry of unexpected challenges. We are still adjusting but now, approximately three weeks into the “Shelter in Place” mandate, we may finally be settling into some semblance of routine in our “new normal” lives. In the absence of all the external noise that often dictates to us who and how we should be, we have the chance to look inside ourselves. Can we take this as an opportunity to curiously and bravely ask questions and explore the cave within? Five things to know before you begin your expedition…

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Taking the Plunge: From Security into the Unknown

Making a major career decision is almost never easy. It is human nature to stay with what feels familiar. Yet, there seems to be a generational and cultural shift happening. Millennials are significantly more likely to experience multiple careers in their lifetime. As a Gen-Xer (the generation between the Baby Boomers and the Millennials), the dilemmas between security and risk, stability and change, responsibility and passionate pursuits, feel more complicated. How can we realize a deeper appreciation of all perspectives and achieve the best balance for ourselves when making decisions?

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