Posts tagged integrity
Integrity: Being Whole Is Being Well

What allows a jet plane to travel faster than sound? Or a thin, silky piece of material to deliver a skydiver from 15,000 feet in the air safely to ground? Or a skyscraper to defy the laws of gravity? 

In one word… Integrity.

Structural integrity provides reliability and safety. Cultivating integrity within ourselves requires honesty to foster trust and authenticity. If integrity is the essence of safety, integration is the essence of wellness. 

When our brain and body systems are well-integrated, they work together to promote optimal health. When our thoughts and behaviors are integrated, we act in alignment with our values. When we are integrated in our relationships, we communicate and cooperate in constructive ways.

At times we might feel pulled in different directions or stuck in a narrow, absolute perspective. We become fragmented and fragile. The antidote is integrity. The process of integration supports our overall wellness and vitality by evoking a freedom that can only come from wholeness.

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You Are the Architectural Wonder Behind the Scaffold

The iconic Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris is currently shrouded by metal scaffolding as it undergoes repairs from the fire damage it suffered in 2019. Scaffolding is a temporary, yet complex network of supports which make it possible to construct, erect, create, repair or restore the edifice residing within. As humans, we also require supports as we evolve. We can think of this as social scaffolding (eg external validation, reinforcement, etc). However, the internal structure, the authentic edifice of your inner self is the true architectural wonder and will be what remains. Cultivate deeper understanding of this interactive and interdependent process…

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