Snoop Dogg Yoga


I met Becky at work. It was remarkable how she could maintain her even-keel, soft-spoken and mild-mannered temperament given the fact she was working as guidance counselor for hundreds of hormonally charged middle school students. She emanates patience and a keen sense of calm in even the most stressful of circumstances. Moving slowly and deliberately with each step as she supervised five hundred 13-year olds in the school yard, she never ran or strained her voice, and only used her whistle on the rarest occasion. With her peaceful presence, she is still one of the most “zen” individuals I have ever encountered. A natural beauty, she almost never wears make-up, is incredibly health conscious and devoted to her religious beliefs and traditions. Visiting in her office as she sipped tea, we would discuss our cases, and in a short period of time our friendship developed. We discovered we both loved yoga and began meeting every week after work to take a class together. She embodied the flowing, healing, mindful and transcendental aspects of yoga, and she introduced me to kundalini at a critical time.

Among the most amazing phenomena in this life are the unlikely surprises and beautiful contradictions that keep us on our toes. In that way, my friendship with Becky was further enriched when I discovered another side of this model example of peace and tranquility: Her favorite musical artist, and long-time crush, is none other than Snoop Dogg. (And actually, she and her husband have an “understanding,” if the opportunity ever presents itself.) She is also a huge fan of boxing, so you can imagine her excitement when she got tickets to the Floyd Mayweather fight in Las Vegas for her 30th birthday!

What I find so remarkable about these interesting contradictions is the way they become so effortlessly compatible. On one hand, Becky can eat organically, practice yoga diligently, and gently guide 13-year olds through pubescence. But the idea that she also loves to cheer the swollen and bruised bodies in the ring at the MGM Garden Arena, then sit back to “drop it like it’s hot” in tried and true Snoop-style is enlightening somehow. There’s something validating about witnessing someone who is able to embrace two juxtaposing concepts. After all, we are all walking contradictions in one way or another. That’s what makes the human experience so incredibly intriguing.

Reflecting on my friendship with Becky, I realize she’s taught me about being true to who you really are and not to make apologies if you don't fit the mold. She reiterated something about which I’ve always felt very strongly: not to form premature opinions or jump to conclusions about others. We are all challenged to recognize and fearlessly embrace who we are in our dynamic dichotomies, our diverse interests, and our compatible contradictions. This is what makes us interesting, undefinable, and uniquely who we are. And in some ways, perhaps it is exactly because Becky retreats to the quiet of the yoga mat in one moment but turns up the volume when she hears Snoop Dogg on the radio, that she is able to be that kind-hearted, ever-patient and peaceful spirit she brings to the world.