The "Y" in the Road


  Decisions, decisions… we face them everyday from the moment we wake up. Obviously, there are the more mundane daily decisions, like whether we should take the freeway or the side streets on our morning commute.

But what about the big, life-changing decisions? Where to apply for college? To have children now or wait until your career is more established? To take that job opportunity out of state? To begin divorce proceedings? To consider a retirement home for your aging parent?

These are the kinds of decisions that rob us of our sleep at night.

When we encounter the “Y” in the road, we have four options. 1) Take the path to the left 2) Take the path to the right. (We will revisit these first two options.) 3) Go back in the direction from which you came. This means falling back on what is known and predictable, even if it means returning to a job or relationship that feels unfulfilling. This option may appeal to many for its sense of security and familiarity, but may not offer much in terms of rewarding self-growth. 4) Stay where you are, at the pivotal point of the crossroads. This can be the most painful decision, because it is often accompanied by a feeling of being “stuck.” The sensation of being immobilized is a perpetuating and disempowering feeling, which over time, can lead to depression, withdrawal, fatigue, hopelessness, and anxiety.

Though choosing any of the four options is a clear decision with corresponding results, choosing to embark down the unknown paths to the left or right is a proactive approach. Stepping in one direction or the other may require courage to move into unfamiliar territory. It may imply risk of wondering if you made the wrong decision. Or it may lead you to the positive change you’ve been craving. Regardless, it means you are moving… exploring… growing… And trust that you will, no doubt, encounter other “Y”s down the road.

A few tips on choosing your path: - commit to taking steps in the direction of your dreams - write down your ultimate objectives - explore the pros/cons of your options - once you’ve decided on your course of action, ACT… don’t look back or second guess yourself - a little can go a long way… even small steps count, so give yourself credit