Posts tagged emotional endurance
Beyond Our Potential ~ Thriving in Adversity

On the other side of the world, in the parched, desert landscapes of places like Nepal, Yemen, and Southwest India, the ashwagandha plant emerges from dry, rocky soil. Similar to these plants (known as adaptogens), we not only adapt through adverse environments and experiences, we adjust and access our inherent resources in remarkable ways.

On this side of the world, a very close family member was recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. As I witnessed her patience and courage through the process, I was astounded by how gracefully she navigated the pain, the setbacks, and the frightening reality of her condition. I asked her what she attributed to her strength and determination. She genuinely had no idea.

We may not always realize it, but when we face challenges, we become physically and psychologically more resilient. Take a moment to reflect on the challenges you’ve faced throughout your life and the opportunities they offer to learn about yourself.

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Intestinal Fortitude ~ Tapping Into Our Inner Strength

What does it mean to have “intestinal fortitude?” Neuroscientists and psychologists are recognizing the importance of gut health due to the connection between our physiology and our psychology, i.e. the gut-brain connection. From a physiological perspective it’s clear why we would want a healthy and robust gut, but how does this translate in psychological terms? When we feel strong at our core, we are in turn more connected, embodied, and fortified from the inside out. We may identify strengths such as grit, perseverance, empowerment, courage, etc. Once we access these qualities, we realize that they are generated and held, not outside of ourselves, but within our own skin, our mind and psyche.

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It's a Marathon: Cultivating Emotional Endurance

The era of corona—this is turning out to be a marathon, not a sprint. Five months into this pandemic, and we don’t seem to be any closer to the end than we were when this all began. Rates of the virus are fluctuating, businesses are opening and closing again, unemployment is running out, press conference announcements continue to be confusing and conflicting, and events and plans are postponed indefinitely. We do not yet see the light at the end of the tunnel, but there are ways we can learn to increase our emotional capacity and stamina to stay the course.

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