Posts tagged change
10 Ways to Navigate Life’s Challenging Changes

We are constantly moving through inevitable shifts and seasonal cycles in our respective lives. Getting married or splitting up. Welcoming a new baby or adjusting to an empty nest. Freezing eggs or surrendering to the waning biological clock. Changing careers or preparing for retirement.

At times we may encounter unexpected changes that can leave us feeling confused, disoriented, or even powerless. Other times, we might feel an inner restlessness motivating us to try something new. We may deeply desire something different—in a romantic relationship, career, location, or lifestyle—but struggle to find the impetus to act on it. We teeter between taking risks and staying with what feels safe and familiar. Whether you’re in a season of growth or pruning away, celebration or reflection, starting school or ending a chapter, incorporate these 10 simple strategies to navigate life’s challenging changes with greater ease and authenticity.

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Falling Inward ~ 5 Ways to Harness Autumn Healing

For many years I dreaded the changing of the seasons from summer to fall. Days felt desperately short, nights were dark and threatening, and trees shed any sign of life leaving behind their tree skeletons. This began, for me, with a life crisis that took place during the autumn months several decades ago. For years afterward, I had a painful association the moment I felt the sharp shift in the air and the changing colors of leaves before they would drop from their branches. Whether we love or loathe the fall, this transitional season offers us an opportunity to heal from our past life experiences. Here are five key autumn themes to support our natural healing process…

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The Paradox of Acceptance

Acceptance is a critical step toward any change we hope to manifest. How can we accept things as they are when we want them to be different? Are we meant to accept powerlessness, inadequacy, limitations, defeat, injustices? If we accept the way things are, does that mean we have given up, surrendered, forfeited? Are we saying “okay” to the extra 20-pounds, the stagnant marriage, the monotonous job, the nagging anxiety, the pervasive injustices in our world? If we accept things as they are, how do we expect anything to change? Acceptance invites us to approach instead of avoiding. It urges us to acknowledge rather than denying. In the counterintuitive paradox of acceptance we open up to positive change and potential for healing.

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Transforming Our Environment through Sensory Experience: A Season of Change

As the autumn leaves are turning colors outside, we have the opportunity to initiate desired transformation, inviting a new season into our own lives. Our internal and external environments are likely the most influential factors of our health and vitality. By tapping into the environment and manipulating our sensory experience in positive ways, we have the opportunity to bring about a refreshing shift in our perceptions, our belief systems, and our relationships with ourselves and the world around us.

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